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Captura de Pantalla 2020-09-18 a la(s) 1

epic+ Page


Welcome to the epic+ page!


If you are new to the entrepreneurial world, we recommend exploring the practical guide for entrepreneurs prepared by the EPIC Lab team.


In this guide, you will find an overview of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This includes explanations of the main entrepreneurial players (incubators , accelerators, venture capital funds, collaboration spaces, competitions, etc.).  You will find a section focused on recommendations to start a business idea. In this section, you will learn about frameworks, tips, and resources to develop an idea, build a business model, and to communicate your idea.

At the end of the guide, you will find references to other websites of interest,  books, videos, and resources. 


On the resource platform, you will find material about the most relevant topics in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, about topics such as e-commerce, fintech, among other topics in the Mexican entrepreneurial ecosystem. 


Don't forget to see our other EPIC initiatives and relive our entrepreneurship bootcamps!


​Thank you for checking out this platform!


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