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ABOUT The Consortium

The Ibero-American Consortium is a collaborative platform enabling the exchange of key insights and best practices in entrepreneurship education. This platform allows participants to gain valuable knowledge accrued throughout years of experience operating world-class entrepreneurship centers, and provides a one-of-a-kind space to discuss the most pressing issues facing the future of entrepreneurship education with other leaders.

Why is it relevant?

The Ibero-American Consortium sets itself apart from existing consortiums by addressing the distinctive challenges facing emerging Latin American and Hispanic entrepreneurship centers, compared to their longer established United States counterparts. This consortium operates on the premise that Latin America possesses distinctive characteristics and the necessary talent, capital, and market conditions within its unique context to catalyze explosive entrepreneurial growth. 

Advancing world-class education centers within universities is critical to widening the pipeline for more and better entrepreneurs, and is essential to the strengthening of entrepreneurial ecosystems in budding countries.

UNLEAShing EntrepreneurIAL Excellence
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